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Rev. tecnol. (St. Tecla, En línea) ; (15): 36-42, ene.-dic. 2022. ilus.^c28 cm., graf., tab.
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1413127


La Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA FEPADE, MEGATEC La Unión, a través de la carrera Técnico en Manejo Integrado de Recursos Costero Marino con especialidad en Acuicultura y Pesquería, realizó esta investigación en asocio con Camaronera Eben Ezer. El proyecto tuvo como objetivo la caracterización de la calidad física, química y biológica del agua del Golfo de Fonseca y el Estero El Chapernal, previo al desarrollo de dos ciclos de cultivo de camarón marino Litopenaeus vannamei, durante el cultivo y antes de las descargas de agua a los efluentes receptores. La metodología se desarrolló en tres fases, de junio a diciembre de 2021. Fase de campo: toma de parámetros físicos, químicos y biológicos en 8 puntos de muestreos, Estero El Chapernal, Golfo de Fonseca y estanques de producción. Fase de laboratorio: se realizó sembrando muestras de agua en medios de cultivo para aislamiento, crecimiento e identificación de bacterias. Tercera fase: procesamiento de datos y análisis de resultados. Se identificaron tres tipos de bacterias: Psudomonas, Vibrios y Heterótrofas. En el primer ciclo de junio a agosto, éstas no reportaron crecimiento, esto pudo deberse a que la transición de la época seca a época lluviosa influyó en los factores físicos y químicos, como la temperatura y el pH. Durante el primer ciclo, la calidad del agua del Estero El Chapernal mantuvo estándares idóneos para el crecimiento del camarón. El segundo ciclo presentó un crecimiento exponencial de las bacterias Heterótrofas y Pseudomonas sobrepasando los límites de referencia establecidos en la normativa vigente. Como parte de la proyección social se efectuó transferencia de conocimientos y tecnología durante la producción, se establecieron mejoras para la operatividad y se les dotó de un protocolo de producción acuícola.

The Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA FEPADE, MEGATEC La Unión, through the major of Técnico en Manejo Integrado de Recursos Costero Marino con especialidad en Acuicultura y Pesquería, carried out this research in association with Camaronera Eben Ezer. The objective of the project was to characterize the physical, chemical and biological quality of water in Golfo de Fonseca and Estero El Chapernal, prior to the development of two culture cycles of the marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, during the culture and before discharges of water to receiving effluents. The methodology was developed in three phases, from June to December 2021. Field phase: collection of physical, chemical and biological parameters at 8 demonstration points, Estero El Chapernal, Golfo de Fonseca and production ponds. Laboratory phase: it was carried out by planting water samples in culture media for isolation, growth and identification of bacteria. Third phase: data processing and analysis of results. Three types of bacteria were identified: Psudomonas, Vibrios and Heterotrophs. In the first cycle from June to August, growth was not reported, due to the fact that the transition from the dry season to the rainy season influenced in physical and chemical factors, such as temperature and pH. During the first cycle, the water quality of Estero El Chapernal maintained optimal standards for shrimp growth. The second cycle presented an exponential growth of Heterotrophic and Pseudomonas bacteria, exceeding the reference limits established in current regulations. As part of the social projection, knowledge and technology were transferred during production, they were profoundly improved for operability and they were provided with an aquaculture production protocol.

Water Quality , Aquaculture/methods , Astacoidea/growth & development , Crop Production , Ponds
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(3)sept. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387681


Abstract Introduction: Knowledge of growth patterns, sex ratio, and sexual maturity are of importance to exploited populations. The land crab Cardisoma guanhumi is an artisanal and subsistence exploited species in Puerto Rico. However, the growth patterns and sexual maturity of the local populations are not known. Objectives: This study has a double objective: (1) to compare the size and sex structure between populations and (2) to model the relative growth of structures related to reproduction to estimate the average size of morphometric sexual maturity (MSM) for both males and females. Methods: A total of 2 849 specimens were captured from nine dispersed populations on the island between 2001 and 2020. Carapace width (CW) was measured as an estimator of the absolute size of all individuals, together with the propodus length (PL) in males and the abdomen width in females (AW). Differences in length structure between sexes and populations were tested by applying goodness-of-fit tests based on Kernel Density Estimators (KDE). The relative growth pattern was modeled adjusting a spline from which the maximum of its second derivative was calculated as an estimator of the MSM, and bootstrapping was used to generate confidence intervals. Results: Differences were found in size structures, between sexes, and between sites. Our estimates of morphometric sexual maturity resulted in a sexual maturity size for males between 57.9 and 79.0 mm CW, while in females, morphological maturity occurs between 43.8 to 51.5 mm CW. Conclusions: We found inter-population differences in body size that can be attributed to differences in the history of changes of land use and the exploitation biased towards larger individuals, though differences in recruitment should also be considered. Current regulations in Puerto Rico protect female crabs but not to larger male crabs. The regulation establishes that crabs smaller than 64 mm carapace width cannot be captured, leaving immature male crabs over 64 mm CW unprotected. We suggest considering different size limits depending on the sex of the crab. This will allow the full range of sizes where sexual maturity is reached to be protected, increasing the likelihood of the population's size to increase.

Resumen Introducción: El conocimiento de los patrones de crecimiento, la proporción de sexos y la madurez sexual son de suma importancia para las poblaciones explotadas. El cangrejo terrestre Cardisoma guanhumi es una especie explotada artesanalmente y para subsistencia en Puerto Rico. Sin embargo, se desconocen los patrones de crecimiento y la madurez sexual para la isla. Objetivos: Este estudio tiene un doble objetivo: (1) comparar el tamaño y la estructura sexual entre las poblaciones y (2) modelar el crecimiento relativo de estructuras relacionadas con la reproducción (propodo en machos y abdomen en hembras) para estimar el tamaño promedio de madurez sexual morfométrica (MSM). Métodos: Se capturaron un total de 2 849 especímenes de nueve poblaciones dispersas en la isla, entre 2001 y 2020. Se midió el ancho del caparazón (AC) como un estimador del tamaño absoluto de todos los individuos, junto con el largo de propodo en los machos y el ancho del abdomen en las hembras. Las diferencias en la estructura de tallas entre sexos y poblaciones se probaron aplicando la prueba de bondad de ajuste basado en estimaciones de densidad kernel (KDE). El patrón de crecimiento relativo se modeló ajustando un spline a partir del cual se calculó el máximo de su segunda derivada como estimador del MSM y se utilizó bootstrapping para generar intervalos de confianza. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias en las estructuras de tallas, entre sexos y poblaciones. Nuestras estimaciones de madurez sexual morfométrica dieron como resultado un tamaño de madurez sexual para los machos entre 57.9 y 79.0 mm AC, mientras que, en las hembras, la madurez morfométrica se produce entre 43.8 y 51.5 mm AC. Conclusiones: La diferencia en el tamaño de la población se puede atribuir a las diferencias entre poblaciones en el cambio de uso de la tierra y la presión de explotación asociada con el sesgo hacia la captura de individuos más grandes o el reclutamiento. Las regulaciones actuales en Puerto Rico brindan protección a las hembras, pero no a los machos más grandes. El reglamento establece que no se pueden capturar cangrejos de menos de 64 mm de AC dejando desprotegidos los cangrejos machos inmaduros de más de 64 mm AC. Sugerimos considerar diferentes límites de tamaño según el sexo del cangrejo. Esto permitirá proteger un rango más amplio de tamaños donde se alcanza la madurez sexual, aumentando la probabilidad de un incremento en el tamaño de la población.

Animals , Astacoidea/growth & development , Puerto Rico , Reproduction
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(1)2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507821


Introducción: El proceso de invasión biológica es una de las mayores amenazas a la biodiversidad y ecosistemas, con actuales y potenciales impactos en la salud pública y conservación. Procambarus clarkii es un crustáceo decápodo, originario del sur de Estados Unidos y noreste de México, que puede adaptarse a diferentes condiciones ambientales debido a su plasticidad ecológica. Objetivo: Se caracterizó el nicho ecológico fundamental existente de Procambarus clarkii con el fin de predecir las áreas con idoneidad ambiental para el potencial establecimiento de la especie en Suramérica y Colombia. Métodos: Usamos modelos de nichos ecológicos calibrados en el área nativa, elaborados con el algoritmo Maxent, basados en datos de presencia extraídos de GBIF y variables hidroclimáticas de ecosistemas acuáticos a una resolución de 1 km2. Resultados: En Suramérica el modelo indicó un potencial geográfico amplio de invasión mostrando áreas ambientalmente idóneas para la presencia y expansión hacia Colombia, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador, Brasil, Guyana, Surinam, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay y Chile. En Colombia, el modelo predijo que las áreas idóneas se ubican principalmente en el norte y oriente, incluidos diversos ecosistemas, como: bosques tropicales, bosques basales, bosques riparios y sabanas. La especie tiene una alta posibilidad de expandirse hacia áreas de distribución de latitudes bajas, ocupando zonas hacia la parte norte de la región Caribe colombiana, en departamentos de Magdalena, Cesar, Córdoba y Atlántico. También se predijo áreas con idoneidad ambiental en el oriente de Colombia, hacia la extensión de la planicie oriental de la Orinoquia, una región de baja altitud en: Arauca, Casanare, Meta y Vichada. Conclusión: En este estudio se aplican modelos de nichos ecológicos, que puede ser de interés en la planeación de estrategias o la creación de planes de manejo, como sistemas de alerta temprana para evitar el establecimiento de esta especie.

Introduction: Biological invasions are a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystems, with current and potential impacts on public health and conservation. Procambarus clarkii is a decapod crustacean, native to the Southern United States and Northeastern Mexico, which may adapt to different environmental conditions due to its ecological plasticity. Objective: The existing fundamental ecological niche of Procambarus clarkii was characterized in order to predict areas with environmental suitability for the potential establishment of the species in South America and Colombia. Methods: We used models of calibrated ecological niches in the native area, elaborated with the Maxent algorithm, based on occurrence data extracted from GBIF and hydroclimatic variables of aquatic ecosystems at a resolution of 1 km2. Results: The model indicated a wide geographic area for invasion potential in South America, predicting environmentally suitable areas for the presence and expansion towards Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Guyana, Surinam, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile. In Colombia, suitable areas predicted by the model are located mainly in the North and East of the country, spanning a diversity of ecosystems, such as tropical forests, basal forests, riparian forests and savannas. The species has a high possibility of expanding into low latitude distribution areas, occupying areas towards the Northern part of the Colombian Caribbean region, in the departments of Magdalena, Cesar, Cordoba and Atlántico. Suitability areas environmental were also predicted in Eastern Colombia, towards the extension of the Eastern plain of the Orinoquia, a low altitude region in Arauca, Casanare, Meta and Vichada. Conclusion: This study applies ecological niche models, which may be of interest in the planning of strategies or the creation of management plans, such as early warning systems that prevent the establishment of this species.

Animals , Decapoda/growth & development , Colombia , Astacoidea/growth & development , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data
Braz. j. biol ; 80(4): 717-726, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142534


Abstract The Australian red-claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, has been introduced for aquaculture purposes worldwide and consequently colonized natural environments, where it might cause ecosystem services losses or adversely affect native species and the local environment. This species was first found in Pequenos Libombos Reservoir in Maputo Province, Southern Mozambique in the late 2009 and is linked to reduction in tilapia fisheries. This study, conducted in 2015 under controlled conditions, aimed to assess the interspecific relationships between the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and the alien crayfish. For both species, no significant differences in growth and survival rates were found between animals reared in the presence versus the absence of heterospecifics, indicating no direct deleterious interspecific effects. Behavioural observations revealed that fish and crayfish competed for shelter and food. Both species reduced the foraging in the presence of heterospecifics during feeding period, in the daytime. Crayfish seemed to have an advantage in competition for shelter, suggesting that they may interfere with tilapia sheltering activity and make tilapia vulnerable to predators in natural habitats.

Resumo O lagostim australiano, Cherax quadricarinatus, tem sido introduzido para fins de aquicultura em todo o mundo e, consequentemente, colonizado ambientes naturais, onde pode coexistir com a biota local sem causar perdas nos serviços dos ecossistemas ou afetar negativamente as espécies nativas e o meio ambiente local. Esta espécie foi encontrada pela primeira vez na Albufeira dos Pequenos Libombos, na Província de Maputo, sul de Moçambique, no final de 2009 e foi relacionada à redução da pesca de tilápias registrada na mesma localidade. Este estudo, conduzido em 2015 sob condições controladas, teve como objetivo avaliar as relações interespecíficas entre a tilápia de Moçambique (Oreochromis mossambicus) e o lagostim invasor (C. quadricarinatus). Para ambas espécies, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas taxas de crescimento e sobrevivência entre animais criados na presença versus ausência de heteroespecíficos, indicando ausência de efeitos deletérios interespecíficos diretos. Observações comportamentais revelaram que peixes e lagostins competiam por abrigo e comida. Ambas espécies reduziram o forrageamento na presença de heteroespecíficos durante o período de alimentação, no período diurno. O lagostim parece ter uma vantagem na competição por abrigos, sugerindo que, em habitats naturais eles podem provocar o deslocamento de tilápias de seus abrigos, e deste modo tornar as tilápias vulneráveis aos predadores.

Animals , Tilapia , Astacoidea , Australia , Ecosystem , Aquaculture
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 47: 59-71, sept. 2020. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253080


BACKGROUND: Procambarus clarkii produces high-quality, delicious meat that is high in protein, low in fat, and rich in calcium and phosphorus. It has become an important aquatic resource in China. Our objectives are (i) to analyze the level of genetic diversity of P. clarkii populations; (ii) to explore the genetic differentiation (Gst); and (iii) to propose appropriate strategies for the conservation. RESULTS: In this study, Shannon's index (I) and Nei's gene diversity index (H) for P. clarkii were high (I = 0.3462 and H = 0.2325 on average and I = 0.6264, H = 0.4377 at the species level) based on the SSR markers. The expected heterozygosity value of 17 microsatellite loci in 25 crayfish populations was 0.9317, the observed heterozygosity value was 0.9121, and the observed number of alleles per locus was 2.000; and the effective number of alleles per locus was 1.8075. Among the P. clarkii populations, the inbreeding coefficient within populations (Fis) was 0.2315, overall inbreeding coefficient (Fit) was 0.4438, genetic differentiation coefficient among populations (Fst) was 0.3145 and gene differentiation (Gst) was 0.4785 based on SSR analyses. The cluster analysis results obtained by unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) analysis, principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and STRUCTURE analysis were similar. A mantel test showed that the isolation-by-distance pattern was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: The high Gst among P. clarkii populations is attributed to genetic drift and geographic isolation. The results indicated that more P. clarkii populations should be collected when formulating conservation and aquaculture strategies.

Animals , Genetic Variation , Microsatellite Repeats , Astacoidea/genetics , Phylogeny , China , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Aquaculture , Aquatic Environment , Wetlands , Genetic Carrier Screening
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e48928, fev. 2020. map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460925


Freshwater shrimps play an important role in many ecological processes since they are epibenthic detritivores but also prey on other invertebrates and are predated by fishes. The knowledge about their biology allow the development of management strategies to improve the use of natural resources by avoiding overfishing and enhancing productivity. Here we evaluated the population structure of the shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum in the river Rio Grande, upstream of the Água Vermelha hydroelectric dam. They were captured monthly from October 2017 until March 2018, in six sites along the river. The first site was ∿1000 m distant from the dam and the sixth was ∿4000 m distant. A sac-like sieve and traps were used to capture the shrimps. The sieve was dragged three times for 180o. The traps were left by the river margins for six hours. In the laboratory, the shrimps were sexed and measured (carapace length; CL). In total, 6455 individuals were captured: 4499 females (294 breeding), 1445 males, and 217 juveniles. Female mean size was 7.50 ± 3.47 mm, male mean size was 7.44 ± 2.40 mm, and juvenile mean size was 3.24 ± 1.10 mm. The smallest individual was found in site III and it was a juvenile of 1.08 mm. The largest had 20 mm and was found in site II. The smallest breeding female had 3.8 mm CL. The largest individuals were more abundant in the sites near the dam, whereas the smallest were more abundant in the farthest sites. The highest abundance was seen in sites III and IV, and the lowest, in site VI. Unlike males and juveniles, females (both breeding and non-breeding) were more abundant (Anova, p < 0.01) near the dam. By knowing the population structure of M. amazonicum it is possible to understand how they are being affected by the environmental changes caused by the hydroelectric dam

Animals , Astacoidea/classification , Astacoidea/growth & development , Dams/analysis
Gac. méd. Méx ; 155(5): 496-499, Sep.-Oct. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286549


Sleep is defined as a state of unconsciousness, reduced locomotive activity and rapid awakening, and is well established in mammals, birds, reptiles and teleosts. Commonly, it is also defined with electrical records (electroencephalogram), which are only well established in mammals and to some extent in birds. However, sleep states similar to those of mammals, except for electrical criteria, appear to occur in some invertebrates. Currently, the most compelling evidence of sleep in invertebrates has been obtained in the crayfish. In mammals, sleep is characterized by a brain state that is different from that of wakefulness, which includes a change to slow waves that has not been observed in insects. Herein, we show that the crayfish enters a brain state with a high threshold to vibratory stimuli, accompanied by a form of slow wave activity in the brain, quite different from that of wakefulness. Therefore, the crayfish can enter a state of sleep that is comparable to that of mammals.

Animals , Sleep/physiology , Astacoidea/physiology , Behavior, Animal/physiology , Electroencephalography
Santa Tecla, La Libertad; ITCA Editores; ene. 2018. 60 p. ^c28 cm.ilus., tab..
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1223216


Este proyecto estuvo orientado a evaluar el efecto del producto veterinario Monensina Sódica, un anticoccídico utilizado actualmente en el cultivo de camarón marino de la especie Litopennaeus vannamei para el tratamiento de la parasitósis por gregarinas. Durante la investigación se identificó la presencia de gregarinas en los estanques de la Cooperativa Fauna Silvestre; se estableció el porcentaje de la población infectada por gregarinas y se determinó el grado de afectación que presenta el cultivo, información que permitió seleccionar el estanque donde se instalaron tres japas, cada una con una dimensión de tres metros de largo por un metro y medio de ancho y un metro de profundidad; en cada japa se colocaron 100 camarones procedentes del mismo estanque. La aplicación del tratamiento fue por un periodo de 5 días, el cual consistió en evaluar el efecto de dos tratamientos con dosis de 8 y 10 gramos de Monensina Sódica por cada kilogramo de alimento que se suministra por separado a los camarones de las japas uno y dos; el tercer grupo de camarones será la japa testigo en el estudio. Posteriormente se evaluó el crecimiento de los camarones tratados durante un ciclo de cultivo y se comparó con los camarones que no recibieron tratamiento. Las muestras de camarón tomadas en campo fueron trasladadas en bolsas con agua y oxígeno hacia el laboratorio del Centro Regional MEGATEC La Unión, donde fueron procesadas mediante el método de análisis en fresco, método que permitió identificar el grado de infestación del parásito que se aloja en el intestino del camarón. Las muestras se tomaron antes y después de iniciar el tratamiento con Monensina Sódica. Durante la toma y procesamiento de las muestras se contó con la participación de estudiantes del Técnico en Manejo Integrado de Recursos Costero Marinos, con la finalidad de fortalecer sus capacidades mediante la aplicación de procedimiento, para detectar de forma temprana la presencia de Gregarinas en los cultivos de camarón marino.

This project was aimed at evaluating the effect of the veterinary product Monensin Sodium, an anticoccidic currently used in the culture of marine shrimp of the Litopennaeus vannamei species for the treatment of gregarine parasitosis. During the investigation, the presence of gregarines was identified in the ponds of the Cooperativa Fauna Silvestre; The percentage of the population infected by gregarines was established and the degree of affectation presented by the crop was determined, information that allowed selecting the pond where three japas were installed, each one with a dimension of three meters long by one and a half meters of width and a meter deep; 100 shrimp from the same pond were placed in each japa. The application of the treatment was for a period of 5 days, which consisted of evaluating the effect of two treatments with doses of 8 and 10 grams of Monensin sodium for each kilogram of food that is supplied separately to the shrimp of japas one and one. two; the third group of shrimp will be the control japa in the study. Subsequently, the growth of the treated shrimp was evaluated during a culture cycle and compared with the shrimp that did not receive treatment. The shrimp samples taken in the field were transferred in bags with water and oxygen to the laboratory of ITCA-FEPADE MEGATEC La Unión, where they were processed using the fresh analysis method, a method that allowed identifying the degree of infestation of the parasite that is housed in the intestine of the shrimp. The samples were taken before and after starting the treatment with Monensin sodium. During the taking and processing of the samples, students from the Technician in Integrated Management of Coastal Marine Resources participated, in order to strengthen their capacities through the application of a procedure to detect early the presence of Gregarines in crops. of marine shrimp.

Parasites , Monensin , Astacoidea/parasitology , Parasitic Diseases , Ponds , Marine Resources
Rev. tecnol. (St. Tecla, En línea) ; (10): 27-30, ene.-dic. 2017. ^c28 cm.ilus., tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1177231


En El Salvador el 59.3% del camarón marino de la especie Litopenaeus vannamei se produce en la Bahía de Jiquilisco, departamento de Usulután, el cultivo tiene una duración de 60 a 90 días y el peso de cosecha oscila entre 7 y 12 gramos. El bajo crecimiento y las altas mortalidades son problemas que preocupan a este sector productivo. Por esta razón la Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA-FEPADE a través de la carrera de Gestión Integral de Recursos Marino Costeros, desarrolló una investigación aplicada orientada a identificar la existencia de parásitos y bacterias del género Vibrio en los cultivos de camarón marino que se desarrollan en la zona de Salinas del Potrero y El Zompopero, así como evaluar su incidencia en el cultivo. Con la investigación se detectó la presencia de cinco géneros de parásitos que están presentes en branquias, intestinos y urópodos en el cultivo de camarón marino en grado 1 y 2; ambas categorías se consideran las etapas iniciales de propagación de los parásitos. También se evidenció a través del análisis bacteriológico en el medio de cultivo TCBS, la presencia de bacterias del genero Vibrio en agua, sedimento y camarón.

In El Salvador, 59.3% of the marine shrimp of the Litopenaeus vannamei species is produced in the Bay of Jiquilisco, department of Usulután, the culture lasts from 60 to 90 days and the harvest weight ranges between 7 and 12 grams. Low growth and high mortality are problems that concern this productive sector. For this reason, Escuela Espcializada en Ingeniería ITCA-FEPADE , through the major of Gestión Integral de Recursos Marino Costeros, developed an applied research aimed at identifying the existence of parasites and bacteria of the genus Vibrio in marine shrimp cultures that develop in the area of ​​Salinas del Potrero and El Zompopero, as well as evaluating their impact on the crop. The investigation detected the presence of five types of parasites that are present in gills, intestines and uropods in marine shrimp culture in grade 1 and 2; Both categories are considered the initial stages of parasite spread. The presence of Vibrio bacteria in water, sediment and shrimp is also evidenced through bacteriological analysis in the TCBS culture medium.

Vibrio , Astacoidea/parasitology , Parasites , Bacteria , Bacteriological Techniques , Aquaculture , Bays
The Korean Journal of Parasitology ; : 347-350, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-168660


An epidemiological study was performed to know the recent infection status of Paragonimus westermani metacercariae (PwMc) in freshwater crayfish, Cambaroides similis, from 2 streams in Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea. Crayfish were collected from creeks in Bogil-do (Island), Wando-gun, and in a creek near Daeheung Temple in Haenam-gun. The infection rate of crayfish with PwMc in Bogil-do was 89.8%, and the metacercarial burden was 37 PwMc per the infected crayfish. Crayfish in a creek near Daeheung Temple were larger and twice heavier than those in Bogil-do. Of them, 96.5% were infected with PwMc. An average of 140 metacercariae was found in the infected crayfish, almost quadruple to those of Bogil-do. There was a strong correlation between the number of PwMc and body weight of the crayfish. These results suggest that P. westermani metacercariae are still prevalent in crayfish of the 2 regions in Jeollanam-do, Korea.

Astacoidea , Body Weight , Epidemiologic Studies , Fresh Water , Incidence , Korea , Metacercariae , Paragonimus westermani , Paragonimus , Republic of Korea , Rivers
Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 168-178, Mar. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780491


The aim of the present study was focused on and describes the gross morphological and scanning electron microscopical features of the gill of the red swamp freshwater crayfish. Our results noted that: all gills have the same general structure and appearance. The gill consists of axis with numerous finger-like filaments, having three morphological types; round, pointed and somewhat hooked shaped. There is a variation in the direction of filaments according to their position, in middle part were nearly perpendicular to gill axis while in the apex were nearly parallel to axis. There were characteristic system of gill spines on central axis, basal plate, setobranch and on the bilobed epipodal plate. There are four shape of spinated-like parts of setobranch seta, two pointed processes and two broad processes. The bilobed epipodal plate is devoid from any filaments and under SEM, its apical part has serrated free border and corrugated surface while the middle part has no serrated free border.

El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir las características morfológicas macroscópicas y mediante microscopio electrónico de barrido las branquias del cangrejo rojo de pantano de agua dulce. Nuestros resultados señalan que todas las branquias tienen la misma estructura y apariencia general. Las branquias se componen de ejes con numerosos filamentos similares a dedos, que tiene tres tipos morfológicos; redondo, punteado y con forma de gancho. Hay una variación en la dirección de los filamentos de acuerdo con su posición, en la parte media eran casi perpendicular al eje branquial, mientras que en el ápice fueron casi paralelas al eje. Hubo un sistema característico de espinas branquiales sobre el eje central, placa basal, espinas dorsales y sobre las placas epipodales bilobuladas. Se observaron cuatro formas de las ramas similares a espinas, dos procesos apuntados y dos procesos amplios. La placa epipodal bilobulada estaba desprovista de filamentos bajo microscopía electrónicas, su parte apical tiene una margen libre aserrado, con una superficie ondulada, mientras que la parte media no tiene margenes aserrados.

Animals , Astacoidea/anatomy & histology , Gills/anatomy & histology , Egypt , Spine/anatomy & histology
Santa Tecla, La Libertad; ITCA Editores; ene. 2016. 52 p. ^c28, graf..
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1223448


El sector El Zompopero ubicado en la Bahía de Jiquilisco Usulután, es un núcleo productivo integrado por cinco cooperativas que se dedican al cultivo de camarón blanco de la especie Litopenaeus vannamei. Los miembros que integran las cooperativas son familias desmovilizadas de la guerra civil de El Salvador, a quienes se les repartieron tierras en esta zona costera como estrategia de reinserción a la vida productiva. Cuentan con un total de 21 estanques de tierra, que cubren un área de cultivo de 84.3 hectáreas y realizan tres ciclos de cultivo de camarón al año. Actualmente este sector productivo enfrenta serios problemas debido a la alta mortalidad que se registra en cada ciclo productivo. Por esta razón, la Escuela de Ciencias del Mar del Centro Regional MEGATEC La Unión realizó un proyecto de investigación aplicada para diagnosticar las principales causas que generan la mortalidad en los cultivos, así como el impacto económico y social que perciben las familias que se dedican a la producción de camarón. A través del diagnóstico se identificaron 5 causas externas y 15 internas que afectaron la producción en las granjas camaroneras en el año 2014. Las causas están asociadas al manejo del cultivo y a las condiciones de infraestructura de los estanques en las cooperativas.

The El Zompopero sector, located in the Bahía of Jiquilisco, Usulután, is a productive nucleus made up of five cooperatives that are dedicated to the white shrimp farming of the Litopenaeus vannamei species. The members that make up the cooperatives are families demobilized from the civil war in El Salvador, to whom land was distributed in this coastal area as a strategy for reintegration into productive life. They have a total of 21 earthen ponds, which cover a cultivation area of ​​84.3 hectares and carry out three shrimp farming cycles per year. Currently this productive sector faces serious problems due to the high mortality that is recorded in each productive cycle. For this reason, the Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, ITCA-FEPADE MEGATEC La Unión carried out an applied research project to diagnose the main causes that generate mortality in crops, as well as the economic and social impact perceived by families that are dedicated to shrimp production. Through the diagnosis, 5 external and 15 internal causes were identified that affected production in shrimp farms in 2014. The causes are associated with the management of the crop and the infrastructure conditions of the ponds in the cooperatives.

Aquaculture , Astacoidea/growth & development , Coasts , Ponds , Crustacea/growth & development
Rev. téc. (ITCA-FEPADE. En línea) ; 9(9): 39-44, 2016. ^c28 cm.ilus., tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1151333


El sector El Zompopero ubicado en la Bahía de Jiquilisco Usulután, es un núcleo productivo integrado por cinco cooperativas que se dedican al cultivo de camarón blanco de la especie Litopenaeus vannamei. Los miembros que integran las cooperativas son familias desmovilizadas de la guerra civil de El Salvador, a quienes se les repartieron tierras en esta zona costera como estrategia de reinserción a la vida productiva. Cuentan con un total de 21 estanques de tierra, que cubren un área de cultivo de 84.3 hectáreas y realizan tres ciclos de cultivo de camarón al año. Actualmente este sector productivo enfrenta serios problemas debido a la alta mortalidad que se registra en cada ciclo productivo. Por esta razón, la Escuela de Ciencias del Mar del Centro Regional MEGATEC La Unión realizó un proyecto de investigación aplicada para diagnosticar las principales causas que generan la mortalidad en los cultivos, así como el impacto económico y social que perciben las familias que se dedican a la producción de camarón. A través del diagnóstico se identificaron 5 causas externas y 15 internas que afectaron la producción en las granjas camaroneras en el año 2014. Las causas están asociadas al manejo del cultivo y a las condiciones de infraestructura de los estanques en las cooperativas

El Zompopero zone located in Jiquilisco Bay in Usulután, is a productive center formed by five farm cooperatives dedicated to the white shrimp farming, Litopenaeus vannamei species. The members forming the cooperatives are demobilized families from the civil conflict in El Salvador who were distributed lands in this coastal area as a reinsertion into productive life strategy. They currently have a total of 21 earth ponds with a farming area of 84.3 hectares that allow three shrimp farming cycles a year. At the moment, this productive area is facing serious problems due to the high mortality rate registered every productive cycle. Thy is why, the Marine Science School at the regional Centre MEGATEC in La Unión, implemented an applied research project to identify the main reasons causing farming mortality, as well as the economic and social impact in the families dedicated to shrimp farm production. The research identified 5 external causes and 15 internal ones that affected shrimp farm production in the year 2014. These causes are related to farming handling and to the conditions of the ponds infrastructure in the cooperatives.

Coasts , Astacoidea/growth & development , Vibrio Infections , Aquaculture , Bays , Applied Research
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(1): 83-96, Jan.-Mar. 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-753778


The toxicity induced by insecticides in aquatic organisms is of utmost relevance because it may give a clue about the degree of health or damage of the involved ecosystem. In the present report, we determined the effect of dieldrin (DD) and chlorpyrifos (CP) on the freshwater crayfish, Cambarellus montezumae. The organisms (4-6cm in diameter) were collected in the Ignacio Ramírez Reservoir, situated at 50km Northeast of Mexico City, in the Rio Lerma Basin. Initially, we determined the LC50 value with the Probit method, then the DNA damage with single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay applied at 24, 48, and 72h of exposure) to the brain and hepatopancreas of animals exposed (in reconstituted water) to 0.05 and 0.5µg/L of each insecticide. In the hepatopancreas of the same organisms, we determined the lipid peroxidation by applying the TBARS test. DNA damage and lipid peroxidation were also evaluated with the same methods to organisms exposed in water from the reservoir. In regard to the LC50 at 72h of exposure, we found a value of 5.1µg/L and a value of 5.62µg/L for DD and CP, respectively. The comet assay applied at different exposure times showed significant DNA damage to both organs, with respect to the control level. In the case of DD, statistical significance was observed for the two doses in the whole evaluated schedule. CP was genotoxic in the brain with the high dose at 72h, and in the hepatopancreas with the two tested doses at all evaluated exposure times. Also, a significant lipid peroxidation increase was detected with the two doses of insecticides. In the study with water from the reservoir, a more pronounced DNA damage was detected. Our results showed strong DNA damage induced by both insecticides in the crayfish, as well as a correlation with the lipid peroxidation effect, suggesting that oxidative stress is involved in the genotoxic alteration. Our results also showed the usefulness of the studied organism as well as the applied tests for the evaluation of toxicological effects, and suggested the pertinence of applying the comet assay to other freshwater organisms to evaluate the bioaccumulation of insecticides. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (1): 83-96. Epub 2015 March 01.

La toxicidad inducida por insecticidas en organismos acuáticos es de gran relevancia porque puede orientar sobre el grado de salud o daño del ecosistema involucrado. En el presente estudio determinamos el efecto del dieldrín (DD) y del clorpirifós (CP) en el acocil de agua dulce Cambarellus montezumae. Los organismos (4-6cm de diámetro) se recolectaron en la Represa Ignacio Ramírez, situada a 50km al Noreste de la Ciudad de México, en la cuenca del Río Lerma. Inicialmente determinamos la LC50 con el método de Probit y después el daño al ADN mediante la electroforesis unicelular en gel (ensayo cometa, aplicado a las 24, 48 y 72 h de exposición) en el cerebro y el hepatopáncreas de animales expuestos (en agua reconstituida) a 0.05 y 0.5µg/L de cada insecticida. En el hepatopáncreas de los mismos organismos determinamos la peroxidación lipídica aplicando la prueba de TBARS. El daño al ADN y la peroxidación lipídica también se evaluaron con los mismos métodos en organismos expuestos a los insecticidas en agua de la represa. En relación a la LC50, a las 72h de exposición encontramos un valor de 5.1µg/L y un valor de 5.62µg/L para DD y CP, respectivamente. El ensayo cometa aplicado a diferentes tiempos de exposición mostró un significativo daño al ADN en ambos órganos con respecto al valor del testigo. En el caso del DD se observó significancia estadística para las dos dosis en todo el horario evaluado. CP fue genotóxico en el cerebro con la dosis más alta a las 72 h y en hepatopáncreas con las dos dosis, en todos los tiempos de exposición evaluados. También se detectó un significativo aumento de la peroxidación lipídica con las dos dosis de los insecticidas. En el estudio con el agua de la represa se detectó un daño más pronunciado en el ADN. Nuestros resultados mostraron un fuerte daño al ADN en Cambarellus montezumae por ambos insecticidas, así como una correlación con el efecto de la peroxidación lipídica, lo que sugiere que el estrés oxidativo está involucrado en la alteración genotóxica. Nuestros resultados también mostraron la utilidad del organismo estudiado y de las pruebas aplicadas para evaluar efectos tóxicos, y sugieren la pertinencia de aplicar el ensayo cometa en otros organismos de agua dulce para evaluar la bioacumulación de insecticidas.

Animals , Astacoidea/drug effects , Chlorpyrifos/toxicity , Dieldrin/toxicity , Insecticides/toxicity , Comet Assay , DNA Damage/drug effects , Fresh Water , Lipid Peroxidation/drug effects , Mexico
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 26(4): 407-409, Oct-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-732934


A doença de Haff é uma síndrome que consiste de rabdomiólise não explicada. Pacientes que apresentam a doença de Haff relatam ter ingerido pescado nas últimas 24 horas antes do início da doença. A maioria dos pacientes sobrevive apresentando breve recuperação. O presente artigo é o primeiro relato de doença de Haff complicada por falência de múltiplos órgãos após ingestão de lagostim. Um homem chinês de 66 anos de idade ingeriu lagostim cozido na noite de 23 de junho de 2013. Chegou ao hospital 2 dias mais tarde, sendo admitido à unidade de terapia intensiva. Após a admissão, o paciente recebeu o diagnóstico de doença de Haff complicada por falência de múltiplos órgãos. Apesar dos tratamentos de suporte e sintomático, a condição do paciente deteriorou, vindo o mesmo a falecer em consequência da doença. A doença de Haff é uma rara síndrome clínica que é, às vezes, mal diagnosticada. O diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento adequado são essenciais para prevenir a progressão para falência de múltiplos órgãos.

Haff disease is a syndrome consisting of unexplained rhabdomyolysis. Patients suffering from Haff disease report having eaten fish within 24 hours before the onset of illness. Most patients survive and recover quickly. The present study is the first report of Haff disease complicated by multiple organ failure after crayfish consumption. A 66-year-old Chinese man ate cooked crayfish on the night of June 23, 2013. He arrived at our hospital 2 days later and was admitted to the intensive care unit. After admission, the patient was diagnosed with Haff disease complicated by multiple organ failure. Despite supportive and symptomatic treatments, the condition of the patient deteriorated, and he died due to his illness. Haff disease is a rare clinical syndrome that is sometimes misdiagnosed. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are essential to prevent progression to multiple organ failure.

Aged , Animals , Humans , Male , Multiple Organ Failure/etiology , Rhabdomyolysis/etiology , Shellfish Poisoning/physiopathology , Astacoidea , Fatal Outcome , Multiple Organ Failure/physiopathology , Rhabdomyolysis/physiopathology , Seafood/poisoning , Shellfish Poisoning/diagnosis
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 109(7): 849-855, 11/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-728798


A review of national and international publications on paragonimiasis in Ecuador, epidemiological records from the Ministry of Public Health and unpublished research data was conducted to summarise the current status of the parasite/disease. The purpose of the review is to educate physicians, policy-makers and health providers on the status of the disease and to stimulate scientific investigators to conduct further research. Paragonimiasis was first diagnosed in Ecuador 94 years ago and it is endemic to both tropical and subtropical regions in 19 of 24 provinces in the Pacific Coast and Amazon regions. Paragonimus mexicanus is the only known species in the country, with the mollusc Aroapyrgus colombiensis and the crabs Moreirocarcinus emarginatus, Hypolobocera chilensis and Hypolobocera aequatorialis being the primary and secondary intermediate hosts, respectively. Recent studies found P. mexicanus metacercariae in Trichodactylus faxoni crabs of the northern Amazon. Chronic pulmonary paragonimiasis is commonly misdiagnosed and treated as tuberculosis and although studies have demonstrated the efficacy of praziquantel and triclabendazole for the treatment of human infections, neither drug is available in Ecuador. Official data recorded from 1978-2007 indicate an annual incidence of 85.5 cases throughout the 19 provinces, with an estimated 17.2% of the population at risk of infection. There are no current data on the incidence/prevalence of infection, nor is there a national control programme.

Animals , Humans , Lung Diseases, Parasitic/epidemiology , Metacercariae/isolation & purification , Paragonimiasis/epidemiology , Paragonimus/classification , Anthelmintics/therapeutic use , Astacoidea/parasitology , Brachyura/parasitology , Chronic Disease , Ecuador/epidemiology , Lung Diseases, Parasitic/diagnosis , Lung Diseases, Parasitic/drug therapy , Neglected Diseases/epidemiology , Paragonimiasis/diagnosis , Paragonimiasis/drug therapy
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 36(4): 383-391, out.-dez. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-848302


Macrobrachium amazonicum is a freshwater prawn endemic to South America with wide distribution in Brazilian Amazon rivers. In estuary and freshwater streams of the Pará State, they are captured with different types of traps locally know matapi. This study evaluated the efficiency of traps of different sizes (large, medium and small) and baits (babassu coconut and fish) for sampling this shrimp. Samplings were conducted with 24 traps with different treatments (trap size and bait). We captured 909 specimens. Higher mean catches were observed in traps baited with babassu coconut. Interactions between babassu coconut bait and medium matapi (BM-M), and fish bait and large matapi (FISH-L) were significant. Carapace length (CL) varied significantly between sites (F = 12.74, p < 0.01). The total maximum length was 13.65 cm. Medium traps baited with babassu coconut were the most successful in the tested combinations, however, there was a clear correlation between size trap and size of shrimp, for both body weight and carapace length.

Macrobrachium amazonicum é uma espécie de camarão endêmico da América do Sul e está amplamente distribuída nos rios da bacia amazônica brasileira. Nos estuários e cursos de água do estado do Pará são capturados com uso de armadilhas tradicionais conhecidos como 'matapis'. O presente estudo incidiu sobre as técnicas utilizadas pelos pescadores locais, no estado do Pará, além de avaliar a eficácia de diferentes tipos de armadilhas (com tamanhos grande, médio e pequeno) e iscas (de peixe ou farelo de babaçu). As amostras foram obtidas por 24 armadilhas sob diferentes tratamentos (tamanho da arte e isca). Foram capturados 909 indivíduos. As capturas médias nos locais foram maiores nas armadilhas com farelo de babaçu. As interações entre isca babaçu e matapis de tamanho médio (BM- M), e isca de peixe e grandes matapis (FISH- L) foram significativas. O comprimento da carapaça (CL) variou significativamente entre os locais (F = 12,74, p < 0,01). O comprimento máximo total registrado foi de 13,65 cm. As armadilhas de médio porte com isca de babaçu foram os mais bem sucedidos nas combinações testadas, no entanto, houve uma clara relação entre o tamanho da armadilha e o tamanho do camarão capturado, tanto em termos de peso corporal e comprimento da carapaça.

Amazonian Ecosystem , Astacoidea , Estuaries
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 16(1): 45-50, ene.-jun. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-715297


En México alrededor del 62 % de la población sufre de accidentes causantes de alteraciones en la piel como quemaduras, heridas y diabetes principalmente. Para atender esta problemática, se propone el uso de un gel de quitosano, obtenido del exoesqueleto de camarón ya que presenta actividad antimicrobiana e inmunológica acelerando la cicatrización. Se evaluó el efecto sinérgico sobre la velocidad de cicatrización, aplicándolo en heridas de 1 cm2 infringidas a 48 ratones albinos, agrupados en cuatro tratamientos; Quitosano 0.15 y 0.30 %, producto cicatrizante (Ketanserina al 2 %) y blanco (testigos sin tratamiento). El tiempo para la cicatrización sin tratamiento y el producto comercial fue 14 días, teniendo el control un efecto cicatrizante del 0 %, mientras que los geles de quitosano 0.15 y 0.30 % cicatrizaron en 7 días (P> 0.05) con efecto cicatrizante del 58 % para el quitosano 0.15 y 64 % para el quitosano 0.30.

Skin problems in Mexico have steadily increased (62 %) by burns, wounds and diabetes mainly. To solve this problem, chitosan can be implemented; this polysaccharide has an antimicrobial and immunology activity against bacteria and fungi, accelerating healing. Therefore, synergistic effect of chitosan gel on the rate of healing, obtained from the exoskeleton of shrimp, that was evaluated. This was tested by applying it 1 cm2 of inflicted wounds of 48 albino mice, of 45 days old and between 23 to 26 g of weight, during 14 days, and grouped into four treatments: 1) 0.15 % chitosan 2) 0.30 % chitosan, 3) commercial product 2 % Ketanserin and 4) A batch of untreated controls. The time required for healing without treatment was 14 days and with the utilization of 0.30 % chitosan gel was achieved in 7 days (P> 0.05) with the healing effect 58 % for the chitosan 0.15 and 64 % for chitosan 0.30.

Chitosan , Skin , Wound Healing , Astacoidea , Decapoda
Acta amaz ; 44(2): 235-244, June 2014. ilus, map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455190


Macrobrachium carcinus is a Brazilian native prawn with recognized potential for use in aquaculture activities. However, there is little information about the natural diet and feeding habits of this species. The aim of this study was the identification of the diet items of M. carcinus based on the analysis of the stomach contents. Specimens were collected in the Amazon River estuary between January 2009 and January 2010. The stomach analysis was carried out by using the frequency of occurrence (FO), methods of points (MP) and feeding index (FI). It was observed that prawns fed on detritus, animals and plant fragments as the most important food items. Sediment accounted for the main stomach content, accounting for 43.2% by the MP, 44.9% by FI and 100% by the FO. Sexual differences in feeding preferences were not found in this study, and seasonal differences in the frequency of items ingested by M. carcinus were not observed. The results indicated that M. carcinus can be considered omnivorous species, but with an important carnivorous component, similar to that found in other Macrobrachium species.

Macrobrachium carcinus é uma espécie nativa com reconhecido potencial para ser utilizada na aquicultura, devido seu grande porte e seus bons índices de fecundidade e fertilidade. Apesar de seu evidente potencial para cultivo, poucas informações sobre dieta natural e habito alimentar desta espécie são conhecidos na literatura. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi identificar os itens da dieta natural de M. carcinus, com base na análise de conteúdo estomacal de espécimes coletados no estuário do rio Amazonas entre janeiro de 2009 e janeiro de 2010. A análise do conteúdo estomacal foi feita usando frequência de ocorrência (FO), método de pontos (MP) e índice alimentar (FI). Os dados revelaram que os componentes alimentares mais importantes desta espécie foram detrito, fragmentos animais e vegetais. O item sedimento constituiu o maior componente do estômago com 43,2% pelo MP, 44,9% pelo FI e 100% pela frequência de ocorrência, respectivamente. Diferenças sexuais entre as preferências alimentares sobre os alimentos não foram encontrados no presente estudo. Diferenças sazonais na frequência de itens ingeridos por M. carcinus não foram observados. Os resultados indicaram que M. carcinus pode ser considerado como um onívoro, mas com um componente importante carnívoro, semelhante ao encontrado em outras espécies de Macrobrachium. Outros aspectos sobre o hábito alimentar e morfologia do estômago são brevemente discutidos.

Animals , Astacoidea/metabolism , Feeding Behavior , Diet/veterinary , Palaemonidae , Food Preferences , Brazil